#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # greeter.py # # Copyright © 2017 Antergos # # This file is part of Web Greeter. # # Web Greeter is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Web Greeter is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # The following additional terms are in effect as per Section 7 of the license: # # The preservation of all legal notices and author attributions in # the material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed # by works containing it is required. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Web Greeter; If not, see . # Standard Lib import sys import yaml import pkg_resources import os from typing import ( ClassVar, Type, List, ) from logging import ( getLogger, DEBUG, Formatter, StreamHandler, ) # 3rd-Party Libs from whither.app import App from whither.base.config_loader import ConfigLoader from whither.bridge import BridgeObject # This Application import resources from bridge import ( Config, Greeter, ThemeUtils, ) # Typing Helpers BridgeObj = Type[BridgeObject] BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) CONFIG_FILE = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'whither.yml') custom_config = {} class WebGreeter(App): greeter = None # type: ClassVar[BridgeObj] | None greeter_config = None # type: ClassVar[BridgeObj] | None theme_utils = None # type: ClassVar[BridgeObj] | None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super().__init__('WebGreeter', *args, **kwargs) self.logger.debug('Web Greeter started.') self.greeter = Greeter(self.config.themes_dir) self.greeter_config = Config(self.config) self.theme_utils = ThemeUtils(self.greeter, self.config) self._web_container.bridge_objects = (self.greeter, self.greeter_config, self.theme_utils) self._web_container.initialize_bridge_objects() self._web_container.load_script(':/_greeter/js/bundle.js', 'Web Greeter Bundle') self.load_theme() @classmethod def __pre_init__(cls): ConfigLoader.add_filter(cls.validate_greeter_config_data) def _before_web_container_init(self): self.get_and_apply_user_config() @classmethod def validate_greeter_config_data(cls, key: str, data: str) -> str: if "'@" not in data: return data if 'WebGreeter' == key: path = '../build/web-greeter/whither.yml' else: path = '../build/dist/web-greeter.yml' return open(path, 'r').read() def get_and_apply_user_config(self): self.logger.debug("Aplying config") config_file = os.path.join(self.config.config_dir, 'web-greeter.yml') branding_config = ConfigLoader('branding', config_file).config greeter_config = ConfigLoader('greeter', config_file).config greeter_config.update(custom_config) self.config.branding.update(branding_config) self.config.greeter.update(greeter_config) self._config.debug_mode = greeter_config['debug_mode'] self._config.allow_remote_urls = not greeter_config['secure_mode'] def load_theme(self): self.logger.debug('Loading theme...') theme_url = '/{0}/{1}/index.html'.format(self.config.themes_dir, self.config.greeter.theme) self._web_container.load(theme_url) def loadWhitherConf(): global whither_yaml global webGreeter_conf global file_test try: file_test = pkg_resources.resource_string("__main__", 'whither.yml').decode('utf-8') except Exception: file_test = pkg_resources.resource_string(__file__, 'whither.yml').decode('utf-8') whither_yaml = yaml.safe_load(file_test) webGreeter_conf = whither_yaml["WebGreeter"] def debugLog(txt: str): log_format = ''.join([ '%(asctime)s [ %(levelname)s ] %(module)s - %(filename)s:%(', 'lineno)d : %(funcName)s | %(message)s' ]) formatter = Formatter(fmt=log_format, datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") stream_handler = StreamHandler() logger = getLogger() stream_handler.setLevel(DEBUG) stream_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.setLevel(DEBUG) logger.addHandler(stream_handler) logger.debug(txt) def show_help(): version = webGreeter_conf["app"]["version"]["full"] help_text = """Usage: web-greeter [OPTION...] - LightDM Web Greeter --debug Runs the greeter in debug mode --normal Runs in non-debug mode --list Lists available themes --theme Sets the theme to use -h, --help Show this help list -v, --version Print program version""".format( version = version ) print(help_text) def show_version(): version = webGreeter_conf["app"]["version"]["full"] print("{version}".format(version = version)) def changeConfig(option: str, value): custom_config[option] = value return def debugMode(value: bool): if value: custom_config["debug_mode"] = True custom_config["decorated"] = True custom_config["stays_on_top"] = False else: custom_config["debug_mode"] = False custom_config["decorated"] = False custom_config["stays_on_top"] = True pass def changeTheme(theme: str): dirlist = listThemes(True) if theme in dirlist: custom_config["theme"] = theme else: debugLog("Theme not found. Going with config theme") return def listThemes(quiet = False): themes_dir = webGreeter_conf["app"]["themes_dir"] themes_dir = themes_dir if os.path.exists(themes_dir) else "/usr/share/web-greeter/themes" filenames = os.listdir(themes_dir) dirlist = [] for file in filenames: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(themes_dir, file)): dirlist.append(file) if not quiet: print("Themes are located in {themes_dir}\n".format(themes_dir = themes_dir)) for theme in dirlist: print("-", theme) return dirlist args_lenght = sys.argv.__len__() def yargs(args: List[str]): loadWhitherConf() used = 0 if args[0] == "--help" or args[0] == "-h": show_help() used+=1 exit() elif args[0] == "--version" or args[0] == "-v": show_version() used+=1 exit() elif args[0] == "--debug": changeConfig("debug_mode", True) used+=1 pass elif args[0] == "--normal": changeConfig("debug_mode", False) used+=1 pass elif args[0] == "--theme": if args.__len__() > 1 : changeTheme(args[1]) used+=2 else: print("No theme provided") used+=1 exit(1) elif args[0] == "--list": listThemes() used+=1 exit() else: show_help() used+=1 exit(1) for x in range(used): args.pop(0) if args.__len__() != 0: yargs(args) pass if __name__ == '__main__': if args_lenght > 1: args = sys.argv args.pop(0) yargs(args) greeter = WebGreeter() greeter.run()