# Change Log ## [2.2.1](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/tree/2.2.1) ~ 12-26-2016 **Fixed:** * Increased the timeout for the "theme loaded" check to ensure themes are given enough time to load (when running on less powerful systems). (GH #98) * Fixed issue where users' custom .face image failed to load. (GH #98) [Full Changelog](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/compare/2.2...2.2.1) ## [2.2](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/tree/2.2) ~ 12-18-2016 **Added:** * The JavaScript API for themes is now [fully documented](https://goo.gl/0iPzA4). * New Theme Error Recovery System that will alert the user when errors are detected during JavaScript execution and give them the option to to load a fallback theme. * New config option: secure_mode (enabled by default). When enabled, only local http requests are allowed in themes. All non-local requests will be blocked. * It is now possible to override the language and format used by the greeter when displaying the current time. See the greeter config file for details. * A new utility method for getting the current localized time is available to themes. * Simple theme now has a fade out exit animation. **Changed:** * Switched build systems from Autotools to Meson. * Updated API usage for LightDM 1.19.2+. * Updated bundled JS & CSS vendor libs to their latest versions. * Updated translations with latest changes contributed by the Antergos Community on Transifex. * Default theme: - Buttons and user list-box items received some minor style enhancements. - Theme is now compatible with the latest jQuery. * Simple theme: - Removed deprecated HTML4 tags. - Improved styles for the input field. **Fixed:** * The ugly default X cursor will no longer be shown after the greeter exits. * Default theme: - The error messages container will now appear correctly (size and position). - It is now once again possible to skip straight to password entry by pressing either the spacebar or the enter key. **Removed:** * Removed the Theme Heartbeat system. [Full Changelog](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/compare/2.1.6...2.2) ## [2.1.6](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/tree/2.1.6) ~ 10-17-2016 **Added:** * The greeter is now compatible with LightDM 1.19.2+ [Full Changelog](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/compare/2.1.5...2.1.6) ## [2.1.5](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/tree/2.1.5) ~ 10-14-2016 **Fixed:** * Remove old code related to GDKWindow filters as it is no longer necessary and was actually causing issues with webkitgtk 2.14+. [Full Changelog](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/compare/2.1.4...2.1.5) ## [2.1.4](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/tree/2.1.4) ~ 04-27-2016 **Added:** * New Theme Heartbeat System to allow the greeter to detect and respond to theme failures. **Changed:** * Updated translations. [Full Changelog](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/compare/2.1.3...2.1.4) ## [2.1.3](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/tree/2.1.3) ~ 04-16-2016 **Added:** * New Theme Heartbeat System to allow the greeter to detect and respond to theme failures. **Changed:** * Implemented work-around in default theme for a webkit2gtk bug related to localStorage. * Moved vendor css, js, & font files into new top level `_vendor` directory for easy access from any theme that needs them. **Fixed:** * Default theme: - Fix time format when no value is cached. - Fix empty session dropdown when no session is cached. [Full Changelog](https://github.com/antergos/lightdm-webkit2-greeter/compare/2.1.2...2.1.3) ## 2.1.2 * Allow access to right-click context menu when debug mode is enabled in lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf. * Add additional debug messages to the default theme to help identify points of failure. * Fix issue with screen blanking functionality when greeter is used as a lockscreen. ## 2.1.1 * Fix default theme initialization failure if config file values are missing. ## 2.1.0 * It is now possible to configure branding including logos and backgrounds in lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf. * The GTK+ fade-out on-exit animation was removed in favor of allowing themes to handle the animation with webkit (via javascript) as the latter provides a much nicer effect. See the default antergos theme for an implementation example. * Themes Javascript API Improvements: - Themes can now easily query values from lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf using the new global "config" object: * config.get_str() * config.get_num() * config.get_bool() - A new global object "greeterutil" was added to provide utility functions to themes. Newly added utility functions: * greeterutil.dirlist() - List the contents of a directory. * greeterutil.text2html() - Escape HTML entities in a string. - Themes should now query the config file for the distro logo to use. See the default antergos theme for an implementation example. * Default theme: - Theme is no longer compiled to ES2015 as Webkit2Gtk now supports ES6. - The logo can now be configured in lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf. - The background images directory can also be configured in lightdm-webkit2-greeter.conf. * Several small bug fixes, enhancements, and code cleanup commits also made it into this release. ## 2.0.0 * Version scheme updated for both the webkit1 and webkit2 greeters as follows: - MAJOR.MINOR.UNIQUE_FIXES * MAJOR: Denotes a major release. Shared by legacy webkit1 and webkit2 greeters. * MINOR: Denotes small changes/fixes. Also shared by webkit 1 and webkit2 greeters. * UNIQUE_FIXES: Denotes fixes unique to either the legacy webkit1 or webkit2 greeters. * Legacy Webkit1 greeter development is officially in maintenance-only mode (bug fixes only). * Webkit2 greeter supersedes the Webkit1 greeter and is the focus of all new development. * Completed API including the guest and auto-login functions. * API is now completely in-line with LightDM API. * Several functional code improvements. * Added Exception handling. * Added man page. * Default theme: - Added translations. - Added confirmation dialogue for system actions. - Theme's script was completely rewritten in ES6. - Use babel to compile ES6->ES5 until webkit catches up. ## 0.2.3 * Add support for getting the lock_hint from lightdm. * Default webkit theme is now antergos. * Code formatting cleanup ## 0.2.1 * Handle tasks that a WM would normally handle. * Code clean-up ## 0.2.0 * Add missing lightdm.set_language function * Fix compile warnings ## 0.1.3 * Port from webkitgtk -> webkit2gtk * Use GTK+ 3.0 ## 0.1.2 * Fix files not being added to tarball * Don't use AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR in configure.ac ## 0.1.1 * Update to work with newer LightDM ## 0.1.0 * Split out into separate module from lightdm