/* * * Copyright © 2015-2016 Antergos * * mock.js * * This file is part of lightdm-webkit-theme-antergos * * lightdm-webkit-theme-antergos is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or any later version. * * lightdm-webkit-theme-antergos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * The following additional terms are in effect as per Section 7 of this license: * * The preservation of all legal notices and author attributions in * the material or in the Appropriate Legal Notices displayed * by works containing it is required. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ // mock lighdm for testing if ( typeof lightdm == 'undefined' ) { lightdm = {}; lightdm.hostname = "test-host"; lightdm.languages = [ { code: "en_US", name: "English(US)", territory: "USA" }, { code: "en_UK", name: "English(UK)", territory: "UK" } ]; lightdm.default_language = lightdm.languages[ 0 ]; lightdm.layouts = [ { name: "test", short_description: "test description", short_description: "really long epic description" } ]; lightdm.default_layout = lightdm.layouts[ 0 ]; lightdm.layout = lightdm.layouts[ 0 ]; lightdm.sessions = [ { key: "gnome", name: "gnome", comment: "no comment" }, { key: "cinnamon", name: "cinnamon", comment: "no comment" }, { key: "openbox", name: "openbox", comment: "no comment" }, { key: "key4", name: "kde", comment: "no comment" } ]; lightdm.default_session = lightdm.sessions[ 0 ][ 'name' ]; lightdm.authentication_user = null; lightdm.is_authenticated = false; lightdm.can_suspend = true; lightdm.can_hibernate = true; lightdm.can_restart = true; lightdm.can_shutdown = true; lightdm.awaiting_username = false; lightdm.users = [ { name: "clarkk", real_name: "Superman", display_name: "Clark Kent", image: "", language: "en_US", layout: null, session: "gnome", logged_in: false }, { name: "brucew", real_name: "Batman", display_name: "Bruce Wayne", image: "", language: "en_US", layout: null, session: "cinnamon", logged_in: false }, { name: "peterp", real_name: "Spiderman", display_name: "Peter Parker", image: "", language: "en_US", layout: null, session: "gnome", logged_in: true }, { name: "clarkk2", real_name: "Superman", display_name: "Clark Kent", image: "", language: "en_US", layout: null, session: "gnome", logged_in: false }, { name: "brucew2", real_name: "Batman", display_name: "Bruce Wayne", image: "", language: "en_US", layout: null, session: "cinnamon", logged_in: false }, { name: "peterp2", real_name: "Spiderman", display_name: "Peter Parker", image: "", language: "en_US", layout: null, session: "gnome", logged_in: true } ]; lightdm.num_users = lightdm.users.length; lightdm.timed_login_delay = 0; //set to a number higher than 0 for timed login simulation lightdm.timed_login_user = lightdm.timed_login_delay > 0 ? lightdm.users[ 0 ] : null; lightdm.get_string_property = function() { }; lightdm.get_integer_property = function() { }; lightdm.get_boolean_property = function() { }; lightdm.cancel_timed_login = function() { _lightdm_mock_check_argument_length( arguments, 0 ); lightdm._timed_login_cancelled = true; }; lightdm.provide_secret = function( secret ) { if ( typeof lightdm._username == 'undefined' || ! lightdm._username ) { throw "must call start_authentication first" } _lightdm_mock_check_argument_length( arguments, 1 ); var user = _lightdm_mock_get_user( lightdm.username ); if ( ! user && secret == lightdm._username ) { lightdm.is_authenticated = true; lightdm.authentication_user = user; } else { lightdm.is_authenticated = false; lightdm.authentication_user = null; lightdm._username = null; } authentication_complete(); }; lightdm.start_authentication = function( username ) { if ( 'undefined' === typeof username ) { show_prompt( "Username?", 'text' ); lightdm.awaiting_username = true; return; } _lightdm_mock_check_argument_length( arguments, 1 ); if ( lightdm._username ) { throw "Already authenticating!"; } var user = _lightdm_mock_get_user( username ); if ( ! user ) { show_error( username + " is an invalid user" ); } show_prompt( "Password: " ); lightdm._username = username; }; lightdm.cancel_authentication = function() { _lightdm_mock_check_argument_length( arguments, 0 ); if ( ! lightdm._username ) { console.log( "we are not authenticating" ); } lightdm._username = null; }; lightdm.suspend = function() { alert( "System Suspended. Bye Bye" ); document.location.reload( true ); }; lightdm.hibernate = function() { alert( "System Hibernated. Bye Bye" ); document.location.reload( true ); }; lightdm.restart = function() { alert( "System restart. Bye Bye" ); document.location.reload( true ); }; lightdm.shutdown = function() { alert( "System Shutdown. Bye Bye" ); document.location.reload( true ); }; lightdm.login = function( user, session ) { _lightdm_mock_check_argument_length( arguments, 2 ); if ( ! lightdm.is_authenticated ) { throw "The system is not authenticated"; } if ( user !== lightdm.authentication_user ) { throw "this user is not authenticated"; } alert( "logged in successfully!!" ); document.location.reload( true ); }; lightdm.authenticate = function( session ) { lightdm.login( null, session ); }; lightdm.respond = function( response ) { if ( true === lightdm.awaiting_username ) { lightdm.awaiting_username = false; lightdm.start_authentication( response ); } else { lightdm.provide_secret( response ); } }; lightdm.start_session_sync = function() { lightdm.login( null, null ); }; if ( lightdm.timed_login_delay > 0 ) { setTimeout( function() { if ( ! lightdm._timed_login_cancelled() ) { timed_login(); } }, lightdm.timed_login_delay ); } var config = {}, greeterutil = {}; config.get_str = function( section, key ) { var branding = { logo: 'img/antergos.png', user_logo: 'ing/antergos-logo-user.png', background_images: '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers' }; if ( 'branding' === section ) { return branding[ key ]; } }; config.get_bool = function( section, key ) { return true; }; greeterutil.dirlist = function( directory ) { if ( '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers' === directory ) { return [ '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/83II_by_bo0xVn.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/antergos-wallpaper.png', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/as_time_goes_by____by_moskanon-d5dgvt8.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/autumn_hike___plant_details_by_aoiban-d5l7y83.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/blossom_by_snipes2.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/c65sk3mshowxrtlljbvh.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/early_morning_by_kylekc.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/extinction_by_signcropstealer-d5j4y84.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/field_by_stevenfields-d59ap2i.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/Grass_by_masha_darkelf666.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/Grass_Fullscreen.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/humble_by_splendidofsun-d5g47hb.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/In_the_Grass.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/morning_light.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/Nautilus_Fullscreen.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/nikon_d40.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/sky_full_of_stars.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/solely_by_stevenfields.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/the_world_inside_my_lens__by_moskanon-d5fsiqs.jpg', '/usr/share/antergos/wallpapers/white_line_by_snipes2.jpg' ] } } } function _lightdm_mock_check_argument_length( args, length ) { if ( args.length != length ) { throw "incorrect number of arguments in function call"; } } function _lightdm_mock_get_user( username ) { var user = null; for ( var i = 0; i < lightdm.users.length; ++ i ) { if ( lightdm.users[ i ].name == username ) { user = lightdm.users[ i ]; break; } } return user; }