You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

60 lines
1.5 KiB

configure_file(output: 'config.h', configuration: conf)
with_webext_dir = get_option('with-webext-dir').split('"')
extdir = with_webext_dir[0]
# ================================ #
# ------->>> GResources <<<------- #
# ================================ #
gresources_dir = include_directories('gresource')
gnome = import('gnome')
utils = '@0@/'.format(meson.build_root())
# Can't do it the right way until GLib 2.52 is released
# js_sources = run_command(utils, 'get-js-files').stdout().split()
#js_sources_combined = custom_target(
# 'javascript_sources',
# input: files(js_sources),
# output: 'bundle.js',
# command: [utils, 'combine-js']
js_sources = run_command(utils, 'combine-js')
gresources = gnome.compile_resources(
source_dir: 'gresource',
c_name: 'greeter_resources'
# ======================================= #
# ------->>> WebKit2 Extension <<<------- #
# ======================================= #
webext_sources = ['webkit2-extension.c']
webext = library(
dependencies: webext_deps,
install: true,
install_dir : extdir
# ============================= #
# ------->>> Greeter <<<------- #
# ============================= #
greeter_sources = [gresources, 'greeter.c']
greeter = executable(
dependencies: greeter_deps,
install: true