3 changed files with 32 additions and 507 deletions
@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved. |
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
// found in the LICENSE file. |
import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart'; |
import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; |
class CustomAutocomplete<T extends Object> extends StatelessWidget { |
const CustomAutocomplete({ |
required this.optionsBuilder, |
this.displayWidgetForOption = CustomRawAutocomplete.defaultWidgetForOption, |
this.fieldViewBuilder = _defaultFieldViewBuilder, |
this.onSelected, |
this.optionsMaxHeight = 200.0, |
this.optionsViewBuilder, |
this.initialValue, |
super.key, |
}); |
final AutocompleteOptionToWidget<T> displayWidgetForOption; |
final AutocompleteFieldViewBuilder fieldViewBuilder; |
final AutocompleteOnSelected<T>? onSelected; |
final AutocompleteOptionsBuilder<T> optionsBuilder; |
final AutocompleteOptionsViewBuilder<T>? optionsViewBuilder; |
final double optionsMaxHeight; |
final TextEditingValue? initialValue; |
static Widget _defaultFieldViewBuilder( |
final BuildContext context, |
final TextEditingController textEditingController, |
final FocusNode focusNode, |
final VoidCallback onFieldSubmitted, |
) => |
_CustomAutocompleteField( |
focusNode: focusNode, |
textEditingController: textEditingController, |
onFieldSubmitted: onFieldSubmitted, |
); |
@override |
Widget build(final BuildContext context) => CustomRawAutocomplete<T>( |
displayWidgetForOption: displayWidgetForOption, |
fieldViewBuilder: fieldViewBuilder, |
initialValue: initialValue, |
optionsBuilder: optionsBuilder, |
optionsViewBuilder: optionsViewBuilder ?? |
( |
final context, |
final onSelected, |
final options, |
) => |
_CustomAutocompleteOptions<T>( |
displayWidgetForOption: displayWidgetForOption, |
onSelected: onSelected, |
options: options, |
maxOptionsHeight: optionsMaxHeight, |
), |
onSelected: onSelected, |
); |
} |
// The default Material-style Autocomplete text field. |
class _CustomAutocompleteField extends StatelessWidget { |
const _CustomAutocompleteField({ |
required this.focusNode, |
required this.textEditingController, |
required this.onFieldSubmitted, |
}); |
final FocusNode focusNode; |
final VoidCallback onFieldSubmitted; |
final TextEditingController textEditingController; |
@override |
Widget build(final BuildContext context) => TextFormField( |
controller: textEditingController, |
focusNode: focusNode, |
onFieldSubmitted: (final value) { |
onFieldSubmitted(); |
}, |
); |
} |
// The default Material-style Autocomplete options. |
class _CustomAutocompleteOptions<T extends Object> extends StatelessWidget { |
const _CustomAutocompleteOptions({ |
required this.displayWidgetForOption, |
required this.onSelected, |
required this.options, |
required this.maxOptionsHeight, |
super.key, |
}); |
final AutocompleteOptionToWidget<T> displayWidgetForOption; |
final AutocompleteOnSelected<T> onSelected; |
final Iterable<T> options; |
final double maxOptionsHeight; |
@override |
Widget build(final BuildContext context) => Align( |
alignment: Alignment.topLeft, |
child: Material( |
elevation: 4, |
child: ConstrainedBox( |
constraints: BoxConstraints(maxHeight: maxOptionsHeight), |
child: ListView.builder( |
padding: EdgeInsets.zero, |
shrinkWrap: true, |
itemCount: options.length, |
itemBuilder: (final context, final index) { |
final option = options.elementAt(index); |
return InkWell( |
onTap: () { |
onSelected(option); |
}, |
child: Builder( |
builder: (final context) { |
final highlight = AutocompleteHighlightedOption.of(context) == index; |
if (highlight) { |
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((final timeStamp) async { |
await Scrollable.ensureVisible(context, alignment: 0.5); |
}); |
} |
return Container( |
color: highlight ? Theme.of(context).focusColor : null, |
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16), |
child: displayWidgetForOption(option), |
); |
}, |
), |
); |
}, |
), |
), |
), |
); |
} |
typedef AutocompleteOptionToWidget<T extends Object> = Widget Function(T option); |
class CustomRawAutocomplete<T extends Object> extends StatefulWidget { |
const CustomRawAutocomplete({ |
required this.optionsViewBuilder, |
required this.optionsBuilder, |
this.displayWidgetForOption = defaultWidgetForOption, |
this.fieldViewBuilder, |
this.focusNode, |
this.onSelected, |
this.textEditingController, |
this.initialValue, |
super.key, |
}) : assert( |
fieldViewBuilder != null || (key != null && focusNode != null && textEditingController != null), |
'Pass in a fieldViewBuilder, or otherwise create a separate field and pass in the FocusNode, TextEditingController, and a key. Use the key with RawAutocomplete.onFieldSubmitted.', |
), |
// ignore: prefer_asserts_with_message |
assert((focusNode == null) == (textEditingController == null)), |
assert( |
!(textEditingController != null && initialValue != null), |
'textEditingController and initialValue cannot be simultaneously defined.', |
); |
final AutocompleteFieldViewBuilder? fieldViewBuilder; |
final FocusNode? focusNode; |
final AutocompleteOptionsViewBuilder<T> optionsViewBuilder; |
final AutocompleteOptionToWidget<T> displayWidgetForOption; |
final AutocompleteOnSelected<T>? onSelected; |
final AutocompleteOptionsBuilder<T> optionsBuilder; |
final TextEditingController? textEditingController; |
final TextEditingValue? initialValue; |
static void onFieldSubmitted<T extends Object>(final GlobalKey key) { |
(key.currentState! as _CustomRawAutocompleteState<T>)._onFieldSubmitted(); |
} |
static Widget defaultWidgetForOption(final dynamic option) => Text(option.toString()); |
@override |
State<CustomRawAutocomplete<T>> createState() => _CustomRawAutocompleteState<T>(); |
} |
class _CustomRawAutocompleteState<T extends Object> extends State<CustomRawAutocomplete<T>> { |
final GlobalKey _fieldKey = GlobalKey(); |
final LayerLink _optionsLayerLink = LayerLink(); |
late TextEditingController _textEditingController; |
late FocusNode _focusNode; |
late final Map<Type, Action<Intent>> _actionMap; |
late final _CustomAutocompleteCallbackAction<AutocompletePreviousOptionIntent> _previousOptionAction; |
late final _CustomAutocompleteCallbackAction<AutocompleteNextOptionIntent> _nextOptionAction; |
late final _CustomAutocompleteCallbackAction<DismissIntent> _hideOptionsAction; |
Iterable<T> _options = Iterable<T>.empty(); |
T? _selection; |
bool _userHidOptions = false; |
String _lastFieldText = ''; |
final ValueNotifier<int> _highlightedOptionIndex = ValueNotifier<int>(0); |
static const Map<ShortcutActivator, Intent> _shortcuts = <ShortcutActivator, Intent>{ |
SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowUp): AutocompletePreviousOptionIntent(), |
SingleActivator(LogicalKeyboardKey.arrowDown): AutocompleteNextOptionIntent(), |
}; |
// The OverlayEntry containing the options. |
OverlayEntry? _floatingOptions; |
// True iff the state indicates that the options should be visible. |
bool get _shouldShowOptions => !_userHidOptions && _focusNode.hasFocus && _selection == null && _options.isNotEmpty; |
// Called when _textEditingController changes. |
Future<void> _onChangedField() async { |
final value = _textEditingController.value; |
final options = await widget.optionsBuilder( |
value, |
); |
_options = options; |
_updateHighlight(_highlightedOptionIndex.value); |
if (_selection != null && value.text != _selection!.toString()) { |
_selection = null; |
} |
// Make sure the options are no longer hidden if the content of the field |
// changes (ignore selection changes). |
if (value.text != _lastFieldText) { |
_userHidOptions = false; |
_lastFieldText = value.text; |
} |
_updateActions(); |
_updateOverlay(); |
} |
// Called when the field's FocusNode changes. |
void _onChangedFocus() { |
// Options should no longer be hidden when the field is re-focused. |
_userHidOptions = !_focusNode.hasFocus; |
_updateActions(); |
_updateOverlay(); |
} |
// Called from fieldViewBuilder when the user submits the field. |
void _onFieldSubmitted() { |
if (_options.isEmpty || _userHidOptions) { |
return; |
} |
_select(_options.elementAt(_highlightedOptionIndex.value)); |
} |
// Select the given option and update the widget. |
void _select(final T nextSelection) { |
if (nextSelection == _selection) { |
return; |
} |
_selection = nextSelection; |
final selectionString = nextSelection.toString(); |
_textEditingController.value = TextEditingValue( |
selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: selectionString.length), |
text: selectionString, |
); |
_updateActions(); |
_updateOverlay(); |
widget.onSelected?.call(_selection!); |
} |
void _updateHighlight(final int newIndex) { |
_highlightedOptionIndex.value = _options.isEmpty ? 0 : newIndex % _options.length; |
} |
void _highlightPreviousOption(final AutocompletePreviousOptionIntent intent) { |
if (_userHidOptions) { |
_userHidOptions = false; |
_updateActions(); |
_updateOverlay(); |
return; |
} |
_updateHighlight(_highlightedOptionIndex.value - 1); |
} |
void _highlightNextOption(final AutocompleteNextOptionIntent intent) { |
if (_userHidOptions) { |
_userHidOptions = false; |
_updateActions(); |
_updateOverlay(); |
return; |
} |
_updateHighlight(_highlightedOptionIndex.value + 1); |
} |
Object? _hideOptions(final DismissIntent intent) { |
if (!_userHidOptions) { |
_userHidOptions = true; |
_updateActions(); |
_updateOverlay(); |
return null; |
} |
return Actions.invoke(context, intent); |
} |
void _setActionsEnabled(final bool enabled) { |
// The enabled state determines whether the action will consume the |
// key shortcut or let it continue on to the underlying text field. |
// They should only be enabled when the options are showing so shortcuts |
// can be used to navigate them. |
_previousOptionAction.enabled = enabled; |
_nextOptionAction.enabled = enabled; |
_hideOptionsAction.enabled = enabled; |
} |
void _updateActions() { |
_setActionsEnabled(_focusNode.hasFocus && _selection == null && _options.isNotEmpty); |
} |
bool _floatingOptionsUpdateScheduled = false; |
// Hide or show the options overlay, if needed. |
void _updateOverlay() { |
if (SchedulerBinding.instance.schedulerPhase == SchedulerPhase.persistentCallbacks) { |
if (!_floatingOptionsUpdateScheduled) { |
_floatingOptionsUpdateScheduled = true; |
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((final timeStamp) { |
_floatingOptionsUpdateScheduled = false; |
_updateOverlay(); |
}); |
} |
return; |
} |
_floatingOptions?.remove(); |
if (_shouldShowOptions) { |
final newFloatingOptions = OverlayEntry( |
builder: (final context) => CompositedTransformFollower( |
link: _optionsLayerLink, |
showWhenUnlinked: false, |
targetAnchor: Alignment.bottomLeft, |
child: AutocompleteHighlightedOption( |
highlightIndexNotifier: _highlightedOptionIndex, |
child: Builder( |
builder: (final context) => widget.optionsViewBuilder( |
context, |
_select, |
_options, |
), |
), |
), |
), |
); |
Overlay.of(context, rootOverlay: true)!.insert(newFloatingOptions); |
_floatingOptions = newFloatingOptions; |
} else { |
_floatingOptions = null; |
} |
} |
// Handle a potential change in textEditingController by properly disposing of |
// the old one and setting up the new one, if needed. |
void _updateTextEditingController(final TextEditingController? old, final TextEditingController? current) { |
if ((old == null && current == null) || old == current) { |
return; |
} |
if (old == null) { |
_textEditingController |
..removeListener(_onChangedField) |
..dispose(); |
_textEditingController = current!; |
} else if (current == null) { |
_textEditingController.removeListener(_onChangedField); |
_textEditingController = TextEditingController(); |
} else { |
_textEditingController.removeListener(_onChangedField); |
_textEditingController = current; |
} |
_textEditingController.addListener(_onChangedField); |
} |
// Handle a potential change in focusNode by properly disposing of the old one |
// and setting up the new one, if needed. |
void _updateFocusNode(final FocusNode? old, final FocusNode? current) { |
if ((old == null && current == null) || old == current) { |
return; |
} |
if (old == null) { |
_focusNode |
..removeListener(_onChangedFocus) |
..dispose(); |
_focusNode = current!; |
} else if (current == null) { |
_focusNode.removeListener(_onChangedFocus); |
_focusNode = FocusNode(); |
} else { |
_focusNode.removeListener(_onChangedFocus); |
_focusNode = current; |
} |
_focusNode.addListener(_onChangedFocus); |
} |
@override |
void initState() { |
super.initState(); |
_textEditingController = widget.textEditingController ?? TextEditingController.fromValue(widget.initialValue); |
_textEditingController.addListener(_onChangedField); |
_focusNode = widget.focusNode ?? FocusNode(); |
_focusNode.addListener(_onChangedFocus); |
_previousOptionAction = |
_CustomAutocompleteCallbackAction<AutocompletePreviousOptionIntent>(onInvoke: _highlightPreviousOption); |
_nextOptionAction = _CustomAutocompleteCallbackAction<AutocompleteNextOptionIntent>(onInvoke: _highlightNextOption); |
_hideOptionsAction = _CustomAutocompleteCallbackAction<DismissIntent>(onInvoke: _hideOptions); |
_actionMap = <Type, Action<Intent>>{ |
AutocompletePreviousOptionIntent: _previousOptionAction, |
AutocompleteNextOptionIntent: _nextOptionAction, |
DismissIntent: _hideOptionsAction, |
}; |
_updateActions(); |
_updateOverlay(); |
} |
@override |
void didUpdateWidget(final CustomRawAutocomplete<T> oldWidget) { |
super.didUpdateWidget(oldWidget); |
_updateTextEditingController( |
oldWidget.textEditingController, |
widget.textEditingController, |
); |
_updateFocusNode(oldWidget.focusNode, widget.focusNode); |
_updateActions(); |
_updateOverlay(); |
} |
@override |
void dispose() { |
_textEditingController.removeListener(_onChangedField); |
if (widget.textEditingController == null) { |
_textEditingController.dispose(); |
} |
_focusNode.removeListener(_onChangedFocus); |
if (widget.focusNode == null) { |
_focusNode.dispose(); |
} |
_floatingOptions?.remove(); |
_floatingOptions = null; |
super.dispose(); |
} |
@override |
Widget build(final BuildContext context) => Container( |
key: _fieldKey, |
child: Shortcuts( |
shortcuts: _shortcuts, |
child: Actions( |
actions: _actionMap, |
child: CompositedTransformTarget( |
link: _optionsLayerLink, |
child: widget.fieldViewBuilder == null |
? const SizedBox.shrink() |
: widget.fieldViewBuilder!( |
context, |
_textEditingController, |
_focusNode, |
_onFieldSubmitted, |
), |
), |
), |
), |
); |
} |
class _CustomAutocompleteCallbackAction<T extends Intent> extends CallbackAction<T> { |
_CustomAutocompleteCallbackAction({ |
required super.onInvoke, |
this.enabled = true, |
}); |
bool enabled; |
@override |
bool isEnabled(covariant final T intent) => enabled; |
@override |
bool consumesKey(covariant final T intent) => enabled; |
} |
Reference in new issue