@ -69,6 +69,182 @@ function pctcolour($pct) |
return array($fg, $bg); |
return array($fg, $bg); |
} |
} |
# |
# |
function statstable($poolfee, $ans, $data) |
{ |
if ($ans['STATUS'] != 'ok' or !isset($ans['s_rows']) or $ans['s_rows'] < 1) |
return ''; |
$pg = '<h1>Block Statistics</h1>'; |
$pg .= "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; |
$pg .= "<thead><tr class=title>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dl>Description</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Time</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>MeanTx%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Diff%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Mean%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>CDF[Erl]</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Luck%</td>"; |
$tt = "<span class=q onclick='tip(\"ppst\",6000)'>"; |
$tt .= '?</span><span class=tip0>'; |
$tt .= "<span class=notip id=ppst>"; |
$tt .= "Pool PPS%: MeanTx% * Luck% minus the pool fee</span></span>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>${tt}PPS%</td>"; |
$pg .= "</tr></thead><tbody>\n"; |
$since = $data['info']['lastblock']; |
$count = $ans['s_rows']; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) |
{ |
if (($i % 2) == 0) |
$row = 'even'; |
else |
$row = 'odd'; |
$desc = $ans['s_desc:'.$i]; |
$age = daysago($since - $ans['s_prevcreatedate:'.$i]); |
$diff = number_format(100 * $ans['s_diffratio:'.$i], 2); |
$mean = number_format(100 * $ans['s_diffmean:'.$i], 2); |
$cdferl = $ans['s_cdferl:'.$i]; |
list($fg, $bg) = erlcolour($cdferl); |
$cdferldsp = "<font color=$fg>".number_format($cdferl, 4).'</font>'; |
$bg = " bgcolor=$bg"; |
$luck = number_format(100 * $ans['s_luck:'.$i], 2); |
$txm = number_format(100 * $ans['s_txmean:'.$i], 1); |
$o = number_format((100 - $poolfee) * $ans['s_txmean:'.$i] / $ans['s_diffmean:'.$i], 2); |
$pg .= "<tr class=$row>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dl>$desc Blocks</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$age</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$txm%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$diff%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$mean%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr$bg>$cdferldsp</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$luck%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$o%</td>"; |
$pg .= "</tr>\n"; |
} |
$pg .= "</tbody></table>\n"; |
return $pg; |
} |
# |
function monthtable($poolfee, $ans, $limit) |
{ |
if ($ans['STATUS'] != 'ok' or !isset($ans['rows']) or $ans['rows'] < 1) |
return ''; |
$nowmon = intval(gmdate('n', $ans['STAMP'])); |
$nowyyyy = intval(gmdate('Y', $ans['STAMP'])); |
$pg = '<h1>Monthly Statistics</h1>'; |
$pg .= "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; |
$pg .= "<thead><tr class=title>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dl>UTC Month</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Pool Avg</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Blocks</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Expected</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Mean Diff%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>MeanTx%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Luck%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>PPS%</td>"; |
$pg .= "</tr></thead>\n"; |
$pg .= '<tbody>'; |
$count = $ans['rows']; |
$rout = $bcount = $bcd = $bmon = $byyyy = $bdiffacc = $bdiffratio = $btxn = 0; |
$skipped = false; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) |
{ |
$conf = $ans['confirmed:'.$i]; |
// Skip leading orphans |
if (!$skipped && ($conf == 'O' || $conf == 'R')) |
continue; |
$skipped = true; |
// If anything is missing, skip this table |
$diffratio = $ans['diffratio:'.$i]; |
if ($diffratio == '?') |
break; |
$cd = $ans['firstcreatedate:'.$i]; |
$mon = intval(gmdate('n', $cd)); |
$yyyy = intval(gmdate('Y', $cd)); |
// all orphans after a block must be included with that block |
if (($conf != 'O' && $conf != 'R') |
&& ($mon != $bmon || $yyyy != $byyyy)) |
{ |
if ($bcount != 0) |
{ |
if (($rout % 2) == 0) |
$row = 'even'; |
else |
$row = 'odd'; |
if ($bmon == $nowmon && $byyyy == $nowyyyy) |
$dots = '…'; |
else |
$dots = ''; |
$elap = $bcd - $cd; |
$phr = ($bdiffacc / $elap) * pow(2, 32); |
$phrdsp = siprefmt($phr); |
$name = gmdate('Y M', $bcd); |
$exc = number_format($bdiffratio, 2); |
if ($bdiffratio > $bcount) |
$bcol = 'darkred'; |
else |
$bcol = 'darkgreen'; |
$md = number_format(100 * $bdiffratio / $bcount, 2); |
$mr = number_format(100 * $btxn / $bcount, 2); |
$ml = number_format(100 * $bcount / $bdiffratio, 2); |
$oa = (100 - $poolfee) * ($bcount / $bdiffratio) * ($btxn / $bcount); |
$odsp = number_format($oa, 2); |
$pg .= "<tr class=$row>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dl>$name$dots</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>${phrdsp}Hs</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr><b><font color=$bcol>$bcount</font></b></td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$exc</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$md%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$mr%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$ml%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$odsp%</td>"; |
$pg .= "</tr>\n"; |
$rout++; |
} |
if ($rout > $limit) |
break; |
$bcd = $cd; |
$bmon = $mon; |
$byyyy = $yyyy; |
$bcount = $bdiffacc = $bdiffratio = $btxn = 0; |
} |
$bdiffratio += floatval($ans['diffratio:'.$i]); |
$bdiffacc += floatval($ans['diffacc:'.$i]); |
if ($conf != 'O' and $conf != 'R') |
{ |
$height = $ans['height:'.$i]; |
$reward = floatval($ans['reward:'.$i]); |
$re = 5000000000.0 * pow(0.5, floor($height / 210000.0)); |
$btxn += $reward / $re; |
$bcount++; |
} |
} |
$pg .= '</tbody></table>'; |
return $pg; |
} |
# |
function doblocks($data, $user) |
function doblocks($data, $user) |
{ |
{ |
$blink = '<a href=https://www.blocktrail.com/BTC/block/'; |
$blink = '<a href=https://www.blocktrail.com/BTC/block/'; |
@ -88,154 +264,9 @@ function doblocks($data, $user) |
if ($wantcsv === false) |
if ($wantcsv === false) |
{ |
{ |
if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok' and isset($ans['s_rows']) and $ans['s_rows'] > 0) |
$pg .= statstable($poolfee, $ans, $data); |
{ |
$pg .= '<h1>Block Statistics</h1>'; |
$pg .= "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; |
$pg .= "<thead><tr class=title>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dl>Description</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Time</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>MeanTx%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Diff%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Mean%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>CDF[Erl]</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Luck%</td>"; |
$tt = "<span class=q onclick='tip(\"ppst\",6000)'>"; |
$tt .= '?</span><span class=tip0>'; |
$tt .= "<span class=notip id=ppst>"; |
$tt .= "Pool PPS%: MeanTx% * Luck% minus the pool fee</span></span>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>${tt}PPS%</td>"; |
$pg .= "</tr></thead><tbody>\n"; |
$since = $data['info']['lastblock']; |
$count = $ans['s_rows']; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) |
{ |
if (($i % 2) == 0) |
$row = 'even'; |
else |
$row = 'odd'; |
$desc = $ans['s_desc:'.$i]; |
$age = daysago($since - $ans['s_prevcreatedate:'.$i]); |
$diff = number_format(100 * $ans['s_diffratio:'.$i], 2); |
$mean = number_format(100 * $ans['s_diffmean:'.$i], 2); |
$cdferl = $ans['s_cdferl:'.$i]; |
list($fg, $bg) = erlcolour($cdferl); |
$cdferldsp = "<font color=$fg>".number_format($cdferl, 4).'</font>'; |
$bg = " bgcolor=$bg"; |
$luck = number_format(100 * $ans['s_luck:'.$i], 2); |
$txm = number_format(100 * $ans['s_txmean:'.$i], 1); |
$o = number_format((100 - $poolfee) * $ans['s_txmean:'.$i] / $ans['s_diffmean:'.$i], 2); |
$pg .= "<tr class=$row>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dl>$desc Blocks</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$age</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$txm%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$diff%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$mean%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr$bg>$cdferldsp</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$luck%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$o%</td>"; |
$pg .= "</tr>\n"; |
} |
$pg .= "</tbody></table>\n"; |
} |
if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok' and isset($ans['rows']) and $ans['rows'] > 0) |
{ |
$pg .= '<br><h1>Monthly Statistics</h1>'; |
$pg .= "<table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0>\n"; |
$pg .= "<thead><tr class=title>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dl>UTC Month</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Blocks</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Expected</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Mean Diff%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>MeanTx%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>Luck%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>PPS%</td>"; |
$pg .= "</tr></thead>\n"; |
$pg .= '<tbody>'; |
$count = $ans['rows']; |
$rout = $bcount = $bcd = $bmon = $byyyy = $bdiffratio = $btxn = 0; |
$skipped = false; |
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) |
{ |
$conf = $ans['confirmed:'.$i]; |
// Skip leading orphans |
if (!$skipped && ($conf == 'O' || $conf == 'R')) |
continue; |
$skipped = true; |
// If anything is missing, skip this table |
$diffratio = $ans['diffratio:'.$i]; |
if ($diffratio == '?') |
break; |
$cd = $ans['firstcreatedate:'.$i]; |
$mon = intval(gmdate('n', $cd)); |
$yyyy = intval(gmdate('Y', $cd)); |
// all orphans after a block must be included with that block |
if (($conf != 'O' && $conf != 'R') |
&& ($mon != $bmon || $yyyy != $byyyy)) |
{ |
if ($bcount != 0) |
{ |
if (($rout % 2) == 0) |
$row = 'even'; |
else |
$row = 'odd'; |
$name = gmdate('Y M', $bcd); |
$exc = number_format($bdiffratio, 2); |
$md = number_format(100 * $bdiffratio / $bcount, 2); |
$mr = number_format(100 * $btxn / $bcount, 2); |
$ml = number_format(100 * $bcount / $bdiffratio, 2); |
$o = number_format((100 - $poolfee) * ($bcount / $bdiffratio) * ($btxn / $bcount), 2); |
$pg .= "<tr class=$row>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dl>$name</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$bcount</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$exc</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$md%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$mr%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$ml%</td>"; |
$pg .= "<td class=dr>$o%</td>"; |
$pg .= "</tr>\n"; |
$rout++; |
} |
if ($rout > 7) |
break; |
$bcd = $cd; |
$bmon = $mon; |
$byyyy = $yyyy; |
$bcount = 0; |
$bdiffratio = 0; |
$btxn = 0; |
} |
$bdiffratio += floatval($ans['diffratio:'.$i]); |
if ($conf != 'O' and $conf != 'R') |
$pg .= monthtable($poolfee, $ans, 7); |
{ |
$height = $ans['height:'.$i]; |
$reward = floatval($ans['reward:'.$i]); |
$re = 5000000000.0 * pow(0.5, floor($height / 210000.0)); |
$btxn += $reward / $re; |
$bcount++; |
} |
} |
$pg .= '</tbody></table>'; |
} |
if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') |
if ($ans['STATUS'] == 'ok') |
{ |
{ |